This is one of my favorite ab workouts of all time. I do this three days a week, and then I increase repetitions monthly to compensate for the gained strength and muscle!
Beginner's Note: You might want to try something a little easier until you are able to perform this workout successfully.
3x5 Hanging Leg Raises - You will want to find something to hang on for this workout. Typically I will use a pull-up bar. Make sure that you place your hands on the bar like you're doing a CHIN-UP (palms forward), slightly wider than your shoulders. Then, as the name implies, raise your legs (fully extended, NOT tucked) and curl your pelvis up toward your chest.
3x12 Leg Thrusts - Lying flat on the floor, with palms face down on either side of you, raise your legs up so that they form a 90 degree angle with the ground. Then thrust your pelvis off the ground like you are trying to touch the ceiling with your feet.
1x12 Reverse Crunches - Lying on the floor with your knees bent (like you're doing a regular crunch), with your palms face down to either side, raise your knees (still bent) toward your chest using your hips to cause the rotation.
2x12 Straight-leg Crunches - Lying on a bench with your legs extended off the end of the bench. Do a crunch using your abs to tuck your head toward your chest. This one in particular does wonders for that 'Victory V'.
1x40 Ab Bicycles - Lying on the ground with your extended legs lifted up about 30 degree from the ground, tuck your right lower-leg into your body and pull your right upper-leg (thigh) back toward your chest. That's 1 rep, now switch legs and continue to repeat for all reps.
2x20 Crunches